a. 再生的, 更生的, 更新的
[医] 再生的
a. Of or pertaining to regeneration; tending to
regenerate; as, regenerative influences.
1. A short regenerative period should restore him.
2. They knew about his condition, about his regenerative abilities.
他们知道他的情况 知道他的再生能力
3. is very unlikely to produce regenerative cells.
4. And with these regenerative abilities, you could do so much for so many people.
用这种再生能力 你能为那么多人做那么多事
5. The soil has regenerative powers, which is why we came here, of course.
土壤有再生的力量 这当然也是我们来这里的原因
6. He has uncharted regenerative capability, which enables him to heal rapidly.
他拥有罕见的无限再生能力 那让他可以快速愈合
7. There appears to be some unfortunate side effects with the regenerative process.
事实证明再生过程伴随着 一些不尽人意的副作用
8. Extreme measures were required to prompt your regenerative cycle.
为了促进你的再生周期 必须采取一些极端措施
9. But he would restrict the regenerative process to a maximum of 12 times.
但是他对再生过程进行了限制 最多再生12次
10. No sign of abnormal regenerative activity in blood or tissue cells.
血液和组织细胞都没有 异常再生活动的迹象