v. (使)惊跑, (使)蜂拥
n. 惊跑, 蜂拥
n. a headlong rush of people on a common impulse
n. a wild headlong rush of frightened animals (horses or cattle)
v. cause to run in panic
v. cause a group or mass of people to act on an impulse or hurriedly and impulsively
1. That was the first casualty of their stampede.
2. The bison almost trampled me in a stampede.
3. Another squirrel. It might be a stampede.
又一只松鼠 或许一大队松鼠正在向我们袭来
4. Well, blimey, that normally causes a stampede.
天啊 大家一般会抢着去吃饭的
5. We didn't want to cause a stampede or anything to that effect.
我们不希望造 员惊慌 或类似的事
6. Otherwise, people are gonna stampede in a panic, we'll have more injuries.
要不然会引起恐慌混乱 会有更多人受伤
7. I don't want to start a stampede like last time.
8. I gotta check my sources before they get spookedby the stampede.
为了不打草惊蛇 我先去跟线人确定了一下
9. Aye, the last thing we need is a mad stampede to escape.
好 我们绝不希望发生疯狂的逃窜