adv. 隐含地, 言外地
adv. By implication or inference.
1. but I don't like what you're implying. I'm not implying.
但我不喜欢你的暗示 我没有暗示什么
2. Shiny implies sweat, which implies duress, which implies culpability.
油光说明你流汗了 说明受人胁迫 说明我们有过失
3. I'm implying exactly what you know I'm implying.
4. No, it's not about what you're implying.
不 重点与你是什么意思无关
5. If you're implying I know where he is, I don't.
如果你在暗示我知道他的下落 我并不知道
6. That would imply that you had some clue as to what you were doing.
你要认识就说明 你还知道自己在做什么
7. I'm not a gigolo, if that's what you're implying.
我不是小白脸 如果你在暗示这个的话
8. If you're implying I have any control over her, then no.
如果你想说她听我的指挥 那就错了
9. I'm not old, if that's what you're implying.
我不老 如果你是这个意思的话
10. You implied that she had transferred them.