n. 笨人, 傻瓜
n. A simpleton; a dunce; a lout.
1. Gabi, you cannot ask my brother out.
加比 你不能约我弟弟出去
2. Gabi, that's very sweet, but I can't let you do that.
加比 你真贴心 但我不能让你这么做
3. Gabi, congratulations! I'm very happy for you.
加比 恭喜 我真为你高兴
4. gaby, you've been accusing me of that for years.
加布 很多年了你一直在指责我
5. Gabi's the one that outed me to my parents.
6. Gabi, I've been unemployed for three months.
加比 我都失业三个月了
7. Gabi, there's something I want to tell you.
加比 有些话我想对你说
8. Gabi, I'm not trying to crush your dreams.
加比 我不想碾压你的梦想
9. Gabi, I'm not really in the mood to make out.
加比 我实在是没心情亲热
10. Gabi, I don't even care about this shirt.
加比 我都不在乎这件上衣