n. 上升, 造反, 叛乱
a. 上升的, 高涨的, 新兴的
a. advancing or becoming higher or greater in degree or value or status
s. newly come into prominence
1. I will rise and rise and rise, until I am rich and powerful.
我会青云直上 飞黄腾达 直到拥有无上的财富与权力
2. You will break the chains, and and you will free yourself and conquer the grey and rise, rise, rise above oceans of blood and portent skies.
你是打破链条的关键 你还会释放自我 并赶走阴霾 接着你会向上升去 升到汪洋血海和凶兆之空的上端
3. Pressure rising 80 systolic, pulse rising up at 72.
血压回升至80 脉搏72
4. There is no coincidence in the rise of social media and the rise of social violence.
社交媒体兴起 同时 社会暴力增长 这并非巧合
5. Not that we can rise up together, but that to rise, someone else must fall.
我们不能一起获得成功 想要成功 就必须有人倒下
6. But if anyone learns her identity, the only way I can stop the threats from rising is to rise up as a greater threat than all of them.
但如果有人发现了她的身份 我能阻止威胁的唯一办法 就是构成一个比他们更大的威胁
7. Due to societal and cultural changes the rise of women in business and politics aggressiveness and violence in girls is on the rise.
基于社会和文化方面的改变 女性在商业和 上的崛起 女孩的攻击性和暴力也在增长
8. It was almost as if he was wanting to argue that you could track the history, the rise and fall of civilisation through the rise and fall of the representation of the human body.
这就是说 他想证明 如果你追溯历史 会发现文明的兴衰变化 是伴随着 的衰落和昌盛而变化的
9. Insurance from them rising up against you.
10. It won't rise again until the spring.