n. 薄的织物, 薄纱, 棉纸, 组织, 一套
[化] 组织
n. part of an organism consisting of an aggregate of cells having a similar structure and function
n. a soft thin (usually translucent) paper
1. It shows the difference between healthy tissue and injured tissue.
这能显示出 健康组织和受损组织的区别
2. You sell bones and soft tissue to a bone or a tissue bank.
3. So our mystery head came from a tissue donor, and our victim was a tissue recipient.
所以那颗神秘的头来自一位组织捐献者 而死者是一位组织接受者
4. It's a fine balance between hitting enough tissue to destroy all the cancer but not damaging healthy brain tissue.
既要摧毁所有癌细胞 又要避免伤害健康脑组织 二者需要达到一个精确的平衡
5. So you can see rods running all the way through this tissue, and every day along the rod there is a wobble where the tissue slows down and then speeds up.
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6. I think ageing is going to be probably one of the most complex things we've studied, because it affects all tissues and it affects all tissues a little bit differently.
我认为衰老将是 我们研究过的最为复杂的一个问题 因为它影响了所有的组织 并且对每个组织的影响都略有不同
7. The other one is that you don't feel an awful lot with a rigid instrument, so if you touch tissue, you don't feel a lot and normally, with your hand, you can feel whether tissue is soft or hard or whatever.
还有一点就是 用这个工具没法很好地进行感知 假设你接触到某个组织 你感觉到的信息很少 难以像用手时 那样感觉出组织的软硬程度 以及其他
8. What are you doing? I'm looking for tissues.
你在干什么呢? 找一些纸巾
9. I was crying, so I reached for a tissue.
我在哭 所以我拿纸巾去了
10. And the acid dissolved all the tissue.