n. 矫形术, 矫形外科学, 矫形学, 矫正术
[医] 矫形外科学
n. the branch of medical science concerned with disorders or deformities of the spine and joints
1. I'm not an orthopedic surgeon, but there is one in the camp.
我不是骨外科医生 但营地里有一位
2. The orthopedic resident is on his way to put a cast on her.
3. She believes it's there as a result of an orthopedic pin that was anchored to the ankle.
她确信这是为了安装钢钉造成的 就在他的脚踝上
4. He's an orthopedic surgeon who has a trust fund and drives a hybrid.
他是個坐享信託基金開着混合動力車 的骨科醫生
5. All of this is gonna become crystal clear tomorrow, when you take me to the orthopedic specialist.
你明天送我去看骨科专家时 一切都清楚了
6. It's like, uh, tons of sex, tons of booze, tons of drugs, all in orthopedic footwear.
可以用酒池肉林 荒淫无度来形容 而且全都穿着矫形鞋
7. Your gown covers the wheels on your orthopedic boot, and the super glue is holding perfectly on your dead tooth.
长裙正好盖住了矫正靴上的轮子 万能胶又把掉了的牙齿牢牢粘住了
8. Now your patient needs an orthopedic surgeon to fix his pelvis, a thoracic surgeon to clean up whatever you left of his chest.
现在你的病人需要进行骨科手术 修复骨盆 还要做胸腔手术 来清理你们留下的烂摊子
9. To collect comparative data, we're going to xray the pigs, but then we're gonna have an orthopedic surgeon yze those xrays, see how many bones are broken, and what kind of damage happened when it hit the pavement, and we'll find out if water is as hard as pavement and what I had for lunch.
为获得可比的数据 我们将给这些猪照X射线 然后请一位整形外科医生 来分析片子 看有多少骨头被震碎 以及在撞击地面时发生了何种损伤 从而知道水面是否和地面一样硬 我中午干嘛要吃猪肉呢