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  • 分类:知识学习
  • 更新时间:2024-12-29
  • 发布时间:2024-12-26 08:33:03

音标: 英 [ˌdɪsəˈlu:ʃn] 美 [ˌdɪsəˈluʃən]

n. 分解, 溶解, 解散, 结束
[化] 溶解; 溶解作用

n. separation into component parts
n. the termination or disintegration of a relationship (between persons or nations)


1. Those who would cheer the dissolution of our friendship.


2. This is a woman who was enduring the dissolution of her family.

这是一个忍受 家庭分崩离析的女人

3. Too bad this will be a clean dissolution of assets.


4. Oh, it's a simple dissolution of services agreement.


5. Oh, and a clause that is the official dissolution of our friendship.

还有友谊解除的 官方条款

6. The dissolution of our relationship is a mess entirely of his making.

我们断绝关系 完全是他惹出来的

7. So we have an appointment to ask the judge to uphold the dissolution.

所以我们约好了 请求法官保持婚姻关系的解除

8. The stressor's usually the dissolution of their last social outlet.

这种犯案的压力源通常都是 他们之前的社会保障被撤销

9. We ask for nothing, just a quick and quiet dissolution of the marriage.

我们无欲无求 只求迅速并不为人知的 解除婚姻就行

10. He wasn't very pleased by the destruction of the monasteries and once described the dissolution as that fatal thunderclap.

他不满于修道院的摧毁 并将其描述为致命的晴天霹雳

