a. 不名誉的, 无耻的, 耻辱的, 不光彩的
a. lacking honor or integrity; deserving dishonor
1. You never dishonor your country, you never dishonor this squadron.
绝不辱没国家 绝不辱没中队
2. There's no dishonor in losing the race, there's only dishonor in not racing because you're afraid to lose.
输个比赛也没什么丢脸的 不敢比赛才丢脸 因为害怕输
3. I owe him, not you. I can't dishonor that.
是我欠他的 不欠你 我不能毁约
4. And this is what we do to dishonorable bunnies.
对于 的兔女 就是这个下场
5. I dishonored it all and didn't notice the glory.
我蔑视一切 忽视了荣耀
6. Yours just happens to be more dishonorable than most.
7. You will dishonor yourself before the gods.
8. And that someone could be up for a dishonorable discharge.
9. It would be dishonorable for you to refuse his request.
连临终之人的请求都拒绝 太不近人情了吧
10. So, each of our victims dishonored the sanctity of the run.
而每一位被害人 都玷污了奔牛活动的神圣性