n. 偶像崇拜, 邪神崇拜, 盲目崇拜
n. religious zeal; the willingness to serve God
n. the worship of idols; the worship of images that are not God
1. Three failed heart transplants later, he is still in a coma, so you can't exactly squash the idolatry and you know all too well how dangerous idolatry is.
三次心脏移植失败后他依然昏迷 所以你无法摧毁对他的崇拜 而你太知道偶像崇拜的危险性了
2. and attached a placard identifying him as director of idolatry.
还张贴了告示 称其为邪神崇拜的始作俑者
3. That's to say this is the idolatry question, which almost all religions have faced.
这是一个所有宗教都要面对的 盲目崇拜的问题
4. And proving he's the killer is the perfect way to expose his false idolatry.
证明他就是杀手是揭露他的 伪神崇拜的最佳办法
5. There are many famous sayings and stories that condemn idolatry and give warning about the dangers of images.
有许多有名的谚语和故事谴责盲目崇拜 并且对图像的危险给予了警告