n. 诙谐, 幽默
n a feeling facetious merriment
n fun characterized by humor
n activity characterized by good humor
1. Well, I accept your jocular insult as a token of bonding.
我接受你玩笑式的羞辱 并当作友谊的象征
2. And I think that's one way, whether it be by music, or in the jocular conversations, that's just a way of keeping the theatre atmosphere fairly lowkey, whilst concentrating on a technical exercise, which is this knee replacement.
不论是通过音乐 还是幽默的对话 都是可行的方法 都是保持手术室气氛轻松缓和的方式 同时让人把注意力集中在技术的运用上 也就是这次的膝关节置换术