[法] 重新定居, 重予安置
n. the transportation of people (as a family or colony) to a new settlement (as after an upheaval of some kind)
1. I would provide the means to resettle him here and start a business.
我会为他提供在这安居乐业 所需的一切
2. resettlement, new name, new identity, new life.
安排住所 新名字 新身份 新生活
3. I found this one great organization that helps resettle ferrets into the wild.
我发现了一个很好的 帮助白鼬重回野外的组织
4. Refugees lucky enough to get resettled have a wait time of three years while they undergo extreme vetting.
难民重新定居需要严格的审查 等个三年能分配到都是幸运的