adv. 漠不关心地, 无动于衷地
r in a composed and unconcerned manner
r in an unconcerned manner
1. He walked in very nonchalantly, looking very satisfied.
他若无其事地走进来 一脸餍足
2. Bring all your hardware and dress nonchalant.
带上你所有的装备 穿的随意点
3. Those that did talk to me did with such indifference or nonchalance, it verged on impertinence.
跟我说话的人也不是很热情 几乎有些无礼
4. And you weren't so ing nonchalant when you thought you might have been infected.
你之前误以为自己被感染了 可没这么淡定
5. You can act all nonchalant, but I know you were starting to root for him.
你可以表现得漠不关心 但我知道你一直在支持他了
6. This latenight confrontation is really doing a lot to prove your nonchalance over the matter.
这么晚跑来跟我对峙 你还真是把这事"抛之脑后"了呢
7. He walked in very nonchalantly, looking very satisfied, so I went out and had a look, and all that was left was one eyeball.
他若无其事地走进来 一脸餍足 所以我出去看了一下 发现只剩下一颗眼珠
8. But that nonchalance is just a pose behind which he hides a tearful, fearful, treacherous heart.
但那冷漠不过是假装 他以此隐藏了一颗婆婆妈妈 畏畏缩缩 背信弃义的心