a. 已删除的
v remove or make invisible
v wipe out digitally or magnetically recorded information
v cut or eliminate
1. I'd have deleted it. I did delete it.
要是我就全删了 我是删了
2. Clear history, emails, delete, delete, delete, delete.
清除历史记录 邮件 删除删除删除
3. Alexis deleted most of them so her hu and wouldn't find out, but there's deleted, and then there's deleted.
大部分被亚历克西斯删了 这样她丈夫就找不到了 但能删掉也能找回
4. Well, maybe you didn't delete me from your phone because you didn't delete me from your heart.
或許你沒從電話里刪除掉我 是因為你還沒從心里刪除掉我
5. Yes. I can delete rooms and I can also rid myself of vermin if I delete this room first.
是的 我确实能删除房间 而且我还能先删除这个房间 连害虫一起杀灭
6. But it won't be able to do that if we delete it.
7. I should have deleted a while ago, but I didn't.
我早该删掉的 但我没删
8. Because he deleted himself from the system.
9. And then you delete it, and then you're... starting again.
然后你删掉 又重新输入