n. 加维驳船(美国新泽西州沿海的一种小船)
1. Garvey has the only landline on the farm.
2. Garvey knew exactly where we were gonna be and when.
加维非常清楚我们会去哪 什么时候到
3. Garvey is a drug lord masquerading as a cop.
加維是偽裝成警察的 大亨
4. Garvey took him in a highly sophisticated attack.
5. Garvey thinks he's going to give it to me and walk away.
6. Garvey must have had a death switch in place a way to get one of them the bag.
加维一定有一个计划 好让他们中的某人拿到包
7. Garvey has made a lot of money distributing my product, protecting my supply lines.
加维帮我卖货 保护供货线路 赚了不少钱