a. 装有板条的,用板条做的,覆有板条的
v equip or bar with slats
v close the slats of (windows)
1. The slats are similar, but they're on the leading edge.
缝翼也类似 但他们在机翼的前端
2. There's a loose slat under a blue bench in the town square.
3. The familiar gauze slats around their midsection first appeared in 1965.
中间熟悉的条状纱网 最早出现在1965年
4. I looked through a slat and saw three insurgents in the back room, one a woman.
我透过木板看到有叛乱分子在后面 有一个女人
5. And I discovered that if you swam underneath and put your face in between the barrels and these wooden slats, you could hold your breath, no problem.
我发现如果你在水下游 把脸放在炮筒中间 藏在木板的缝隙之间 就可以一直憋着气 不会有问题
6. My friends and I would be up here peering down, we'd see a couple people humpin' away, we'd pour water on 'em through the slats and then run like hell.
我朋友和我过来偷看 我们会看见几个人摩擦 就从木板间朝他们泼水 然后拔腿就跑