adv. 绝妙地, 惊奇地, 不可思议地
r (used as an intensifier) extremely well
1. A marvel really, in an age that produced...many marvels.
是個真正的傳奇 那是個充滿傳奇色彩的年代
2. One of the marvellous things about co ic rays is that they're really messengers they're actually pieces of matter from distant galaxies, so they're a marvellous gift to us to study.
宇宙射线最让人不可思议的事情之一就是 它们其实是信息的传递着 它们其实是来自遥远星系的物质 所以它们是供我们研究的不可思议的礼物
3. About what a marvelous time we've been having.
4. It was marvelous, and that really did me in.
那真是很奇妙 完全吸引住了我
5. But there's much here for you to marvel at.
6. This was all just a a marvelous theory.
7. I'm prepared to marvel at your insight.
8. The mussels were marvellous, by the way.
对了 那贻贝真是棒极了
9. The more you doubt it, the more marvelous the miracle.
你越怀疑 奇迹就越神乎其神
10. You really should go in. It's marvellous.
你真应该下海玩玩 真的非常棒