adv. 不认真地, 无兴趣地
1. And the fact that you are even halfheartedly joking is an encouraging sign.
你还在半心半意地开玩笑 这是个令人欣喜的征兆
2. I will not live my life on the sidelines, some halfhearted coward.
我不会甘于在角落里度过一生 做个有心无力的懦夫
3. It is painful to lose men, but we cannot be halfhearted in this or they will see our weakness and take us and we will lose thousands more.
将士牺牲非常惨痛 但我们不能半途放弃 不然他们就会看出我们的弱点 击溃我们 就会再牺牲几千将士