n. 变化无常, 变迁, 荣枯, 盛衰
n. a variation in circumstances or fortune at different times in your life or in the development of something
n. mutability in life or nature (especially successive alternation from one condition to another)
1. How awful for you, these trials and vicissitudes.
你真是惨啊 世事无常 命途多舛
2. I have become well acquainted with the vicissitudes of life.
3. You'll find some frustrations, no doubt, as you adjust to the vicissitude of your new life.
毫无疑问 在适应新生活的 变化过程里 你可能会感到难过
4. And you will forget the vicissitudes of the last few days and you will remember who you are.
你会忘记过去几天的 悲欢离合 你会记得自己是谁