n. 南美披风, 雨披
n. a blanket-like cloak with a hole in the center for the head
1. We should have kept looking for that guy in the poncho.
2. Now take off the cape. It's a poncho.
把你那披肩脱了吧 这是斗篷
3. I'm not hawking your dumb poncho. I'm a superhero.
我才不要给你们的破斗篷打广告 我是超级英雄
4. And I'm sorry if poncho guy is bothering you.
另外 如果那个穿斗篷的在骚扰你 我很抱歉
5. Skinny jeans are out, fringe is in and ponchos are forever.
紧身牛仔裤已经过时了 刘海正流行 披风永远不过时
6. And I left him in a bathroom wearing a garbage poncho.
我把他一个人留在了厕所 还穿着垃圾袋斗篷
7. I just stole a poncho from a wooden Indian.
8. Look at him, with his stupid poncho and his stupid charm.
瞧瞧他 他那傻乎乎的斗篷和蠢兮兮的魅力
9. Somewhere there should be a bloody poncho in a pawnshop right now.
现在就该有一件沾满血的披风 挂在某个当铺里
10. Hey, listen, I don't like giving up either, but the guy is in a red poncho.
听着 我也不喜欢放弃 但那个人穿着红色雨衣