a. 向内生长的, 生进肉内的, 天赋的
s growing abnormally into the flesh
1. The most serious thing you've dealt with is an ingrown toenail.
2. Maybe he saw your ingrown hair and was grossed out.
或許他看見了你的倒生毛 被惡心到了
3. Against the grain causes ingrown hairs, and razor burn.
逆着刮会导致胡须向内生长 还会造成剃刀烧伤
4. No, no. I think he talked about, like, an ingrown toenail or something.
不 不 我觉得他说的是 有个长反了的脚趾甲之类的
5. To a quadriplegic, an ingrown toenail has the same urgency as a heart attack.
对于四肢瘫痪者来说 内生趾甲都和心脏病一样危险