v place (seeds) in or on the ground for future growth
v introduce into an environment
v place seeds in or on (the ground)
1. This is what they do, they sow doubt.
他们就是会这样 在你心中留下怀疑
2. Maybe you're about to reap what you sow.
那你可真是種惡因 收惡果啊
3. All you do is sow the deadly seeds of doubt.
4. Capitali sows the seeds for its own destruction.
5. We'll reap exactly what we sow, that we cannot run from.
种瓜得瓜 种豆得豆 这点无可避免
6. There is more than one way to bleed a sow.
让那只母猪 的办法不止这一种
7. But we shall sow their fields with blood.
8. They thrive only on sowing the seeds of their own eventual destruction.
他们只有通过散播那致使自己 最终毁灭的种子 才能繁盛地活下去
9. Can you sow this? It seems undone and they are so expensive.
你能缝下吗 看上去破开了 而且这衣服也很贵
10. You sow nothing but conflict in a peaceful community.
记住你什么都没看到 你只看到了一个和平的社区里的一个小冲突