n. 水沫, 浪花, 水花, 喷雾, 喷雾器, 小树枝
vt. 喷雾, 扫射, 喷射
vi. 喷, 溅开
n. a pesticide in suspension or solution; intended for spraying
n. a quantity of small objects flying through the air
n. flower arrangement consisting of a single branch or shoot bearing flowers and foliage
n. water in small drops in the atmosphere; blown from waves or thrown up by a waterfall
1. spraying itself now and spraying the camera.
水喷到自己身上 也喷在摄像机上了
2. They spray resin on the shell and then unwind fiberglass twine into a special spray gun.
先在外壳喷上树脂 然后展开合股玻璃碳织 灌入特殊喷枪
3. Kid's out there spraying, sees a pretty girl, hormones raging, spray can goes off in his face.
孩子在菜园里喷杀虫剂 看到个美女 春心荡漾 不小心把杀虫剂喷到脸上了
4. I don't wanna know what he sprays on his.
5. We have you on tape... spraying the virus.
6. spray some of that stuff in your mind.
7. Don't spray this until you have to and only on his clothes, not on his skin.
關鍵時刻再噴 別噴在皮膚上 只能噴在衣服上
8. So we were spraying for ants and that's settled.
我们是在喷洒药物消灭蚂蚁 就这样
9. If I had a hose, I'd spray 'em down.
如果我有水管 早就射死他们了
10. What's scarier is I didn't spray the luminol.