n. 观众, 目击者, 旁观者
n. a close observer; someone who looks at something (such as an exhibition of some kind)
1. But I'm just here as a spectator today.
2. In the meantime, you couldn't become a spectator.
同时 你根本没时间去拍照
3. Oh, no. I'mI'm not here to spectate.
不 我可不是来当观众的
4. Biggest story in a generation and I'm a spectator.
这是世纪头条 我却成了观众
5. What I do mind is when the paying spectators aren't happy.
6. The hardest part about having a simple life, is being a spectator.
想要过上简单的生活 最大的困难就在于袖手旁观
7. I've never seen this many spectators at a birth.
8. The biggest thing that makes a sport is spectators.
9. Yes with more spectators, it puts pressure on the court.
对 带着许多观众 这会给法庭施加压力
10. No spectators, even, except for a few invited officials.
除了一些受邀的官员外 甚至没有旁听群众