adv. 难以言喻地, 因神圣而不容称呼地
r. to an inexpressible degree
1. What I'm saying is, in this world there's the visceral and the ineffable.
我的意思是说 这世上就有一些东西是不可言喻的
2. I play an ineffable game of my own devising.
3. ineffable... you know, bigness, courage, and clarity.
难以名状的 伟大 果敢 目标明确
4. You think a criminal trial is all about some sort of ineffable morality.
你以为刑事审判事关 某种神圣的道德准则
5. It required some ineffable combination of wit, cool, and credibility.
要看其是否很好地综合了 智力 沉着和信誉
6. That was my stock in trade, when there was a value placed upon the ineffable and the exalted.
这就是我的老本了 那时还有人欣赏崇高的艺术
7. and the chase of the inevitable hoo hoo, the ineffable hoo hoo, to old one eye, may he stand tall go ahead, get ready to cheer.
以及对不可避免的兴奋的追逐 不可避免的兴奋 对老独眼来说 他可能高高地站着 继续 准备欢呼
8. I've sat across the table from the best negotiators in the world, men of ineffable wealth and actual power and acumen, who try to make me fold my trip jacks with theirwith their measly pair of trays.
我和全球顶尖的磋商者们 一起商谈过 那些想让我收起锋芒 去和他们同流合污的 达官显贵们
9. Test subjects have also reported that once the impediment of the physical body is removed, deep and lasting truths are revealed that the conscious mind won't allow feelings of ineffability, sacredness, peace, unity, joy all without altering brain chemistry.
他们还报告说 一旦突破肉体的障碍 就能体会到深远而持久的真理 清醒意识体会不到的感觉 无法用言语表达的感觉 神圣感 宁静 完整 快乐 在大脑化学成分完全没有改变的情况下