n. 集市, 市场, 义卖市场
n. a shop where a variety of goods are sold
n. a street of small shops (especially in Orient)
n. a sale of miscellany; often for charity
1. It is so kind of you to take me to the bazaar.
你愿意带我去集市 真是太好了
2. It was on the relics at the black market bazaar.
3. I went to the bazaar to buy souvenirs for my family.
4. I'm gonna buy out the entire bazaar when we're done here.
5. You two destroyed my bazaar, ruined my reputation.
你们两个毁了我的黑市 还糟蹋了我的名声
6. You two destroyed my bazaar. I lost millions.
你们两个毁了我的市场 我损失了几百万
7. That's like legal age to operate your own kiosk at a bazaar.
在那里 两岁就能在市场里合法经营 一家小卖部了
8. We might end up taking out a rug bazaar by mistake.
9. Welcome to the bazaar, safe market in unsafe times.
欢迎来到巴扎 动荡时期的安全市场
10. I've been to the bazaars in Istanbul, where the negotiations are fast, furious and bilingual.
我曾经去过伊斯坦堡的市集 那里的讲价风风火火还得双语进行