n. 裁缝, 成衣匠
vt. 缝制, 制作, 使适应
vi. 做裁缝
n. a person whose occupation is making and altering garments
v. adjust to a specific need or market
1. You the tailors? If so, you're superlate.
你们是裁缝吗 如果是的话 你可真是迟到了
2. I think we do, with a little tailoring.
我想我们可以 只要做些裁剪工作就行
3. This is bespoke, custommade by a tailor.
这是定制的 专门找裁缝做的
4. I used to do my own makeup styling and tailoring.
我习惯亲自化妆 造型和修改
5. Eggsy, meet me at the tailor I told you about.
艾格西 去我跟你说的那个定制店找我
6. You know, I could give you my tailor's number.
7. You must put me in contact with your tailor.
8. I found a tailor that I really like.
9. And tailoring his weapon to his deadly purpose.
10. It can be tailored to your specific needs.