prep. 在...下方
adv. 在...下方
r in or to a place that is lower
1. If it isn't beneath you, it's beneath me.
要是你不觉得 那就是有失我身份
2. What lies beneath should be left beneath.
埋在土下面的东西 是不该被惊动的
3. That's not all that was beneath him.
4. Crushed beneath his plough like a grape beneath the foot.
5. Each one of those lakes beneath us started as a hole into a limestone cavern beneath.
我们下方的每一个湖泊 最初都始于下面石灰岩洞穴的孔隙
6. beneath skies that sometimes dazzle like faceted sapphires or turquoises, beneath the incessant and formidable streaming of every conceivable effect of light.
穹宇之下 浮光掠影 蓝晶松石 交相辉映 光影之下 波光涌动 精雕细琢 别具一格
7. Some of the errands were... beneath you.
8. He would have had to been shooting from beneath her.
要是射箭的话 他要从她身下射箭
9. You know you have that aeroplane beneath you.