[化] 低能电子衍射
n. Alt. of Leede
1. LEEDs was an alchemist of exceeding skill.
利兹是一位技艺精湛的 炼金术师
2. LEEDs was not drawn from his lair like the other creatures we've encountered.
利兹不像我们遇到的其他生物 是从他的老穴中逃出来的
3. LEEDs and his oldest boy took the dog into the vet the afternoon before they were killed.
说利兹和他大儿子把狗送去兽医那儿了 就在他们被杀当天下午
4. LEEDs sought a method to isolate animal traits in order to use them to augment humanity.
利兹找到了一种方法 可以分离动物的特性 用其增强人类的力量