n. 冗长的废话, 繁琐费时的手续
a. 冗长的, 无条理的
n. a set of confused and meaningless statements
n. a long and complicated and confusing procedure
1. To have to go through the whole infernal rigmarole again.
2. Went through a long rigmarole about love.
3. Seems they didn't want to bother with the rigmarole of public consultations.
看起来他们当时没打算 听取群众的意见
4. There was no time for rigmarole when we first got wind a couple weeks ago.
我们是几周前捕捉到的风声 没有时间进行过多部署
5. I wouldn't have thought twice, but going through this rigmarole makes me think there's something I should know.
我会立马同意的 但跟我耍这些小心机 让我觉得有什么事我该知道
6. Took 'em a couple hours to count it, usual rigmarole, and then I then I saw you.
他们花了好几个小时清点 然后我就去见你了