a. 混乱的, 发狂的, 害了病的
a. not arranged in order
1. They say she's got bipolar disorder, delusional disorder.
医生说她患有躁郁症 还有妄想症
2. Well, there are eating disorders and sex addiction is an intimacy disorder.
也存在饮食失调 性瘾是性行为失调
3. Your file states a long history of panic disorder, suicidal tendencies, possible dissociative disorder.
病历显示你有很长的恐惧紊乱症状 包括恐慌症 自杀倾向 可能还有解离症
4. So it looks like you suffer from an impulsecontrol disorder, exacerbated by concurrent personality disorders, which manifest mostly as kleptomania.
看来你患有 冲动控制失调症 因为并发性人格障碍而加重 主要表现为偷窃癖
5. No, it's not you, it's my disorder, they upset me.
不是你的原因 是我的病让我焦虑
6. It's not a disorder, you've been injured.
这不是一种障碍 是你被伤害了
7. This is a drunk and disorderly from 2002.
8. And my disorder is entirely under my own control.
9. This man has the exact same disorder.
10. It had some sort of genetic disorder.