a. 聚焦的;专心的
a. being in focus or brought into focus
s. (of light rays) converging on a point
s. of an optical system (e.g. eye or opera glasses) adjusted to produce a clear image
1. And I couldn't focus. I can't focus.
我没法集中精力 我也是
2. Let's focus on us, focus on what we're doing.
让我们回到正题 专注在将做的事情上
3. That's what I'm focused on, and if you're art, you'll focus on that, too.
那也是我所关注的 如果您够聪明 您也应该关注那个
4. I need to focus. I can't focus in there.
我需要集中精神 在这我没办法集中
5. You should stop focusing on how and focus on why.
你该专注于为什么 而非他是如何做到的
6. And if it's focused on you, we can focus on it.
如果技术针对你 我们就能针对它
7. You focus on you and you keep focusing on you until you hear from her.
自己的事 收到她回复前 不要分心
8. It's not a loss of focus, it's a shift in focus.
他不是失去了目标 而是转移了目标
9. So if the focus is his wife, then that focus is his home.
所以如果来源是他妻子 那么整个家庭都会成为目标
10. You focus on your personal life. I'll focus on mine.
你管好你的私生活 我管好自己的