n. 领巾状领带;(大写)英国阿斯科特赛马会
n. a cravat with wide square ends; secured with an ornamental pin
1. Strong, sincere, and an ascot wouldn't hurt.
强壮 真诚 领巾也不赖
2. It's about not letting some ascot steal my family's achievements.
我不允许某些 窃取我们家族的成果
3. I knew that the first time I saw you in one of them wackass ascots.
我第一次见你打花哨领带时 就知道你不行了
4. He thinks he's so cool, with his perfect hair, his cando attitude, that stupid ascot.
他自以为很酷 发型完美 态度积极 蠢领巾