a. 成形的, 成形
a. having or given a form or shape
1. Synthetic emotions in the form of pills, psychological warfare in the form of advertising, mindaltering chemicals in the form of food, brainwashing seminars in the form of media, controlled isolated bubbles in the form of social networks.
用药物合成感情 用广告打心理战 用食物改变思维 用媒体来 用社交网络建立彼此隔绝可控的泡泡
2. It was making its way back to me, first in the form of all those little illnesses when I was a kid, and then for the past eight years in the form of this the form of this rash.
它在慢慢浮现出来 刚开始是我小时候患过的各种小病 然后近八年来变成这种形式 以疹子的形式
3. I pushed your astral form out of your physical form.
4. Oh, and then I had to fill out an order form for order forms.
5. And that's the sort of form, the sensuous form, he wanted to put into his architecture.
也就是这种外形 感官外形 被他融入进了建筑作品中
6. We need a new form of globalization a fairer form of globalization.
我们需要一个全新的全球化形式 更公平的全球化形式
7. You can reconfigure our energies into a form that resembles this planet's life forms.
你可以把我们的能量重组为 跟这星球上生命体类似
8. I... I have a form here, a release form, and with my signature he can be freed by tomorrow morning at dawn.
我这儿有份表格 一份释放表 只要我签名 他明天黎明时分便可获释
9. And if ever you want to stop filling out forms, well, there's about five different forms for that.
一旦你不想填表了 很好 你再填五张不同的表来申请
10. Cells group together, forming a giant web of communication, which in turn forms matter.
细胞聚合 形成一个巨大的交互网络 然后形成了物质