n. 海岸警备队, 海岸警备队队员
n. a military service responsible for the safety of maritime traffic in coastal waters
1. They're calling the coastguard, but they're bringing him in now.
他們正給海岸警衛隊打電話 不過他們已經在帶他回來了
2. There are 2 coastguard cutters a day behind us.
3. Maybe he wants us to regroup, wait for the coastguard.
也许他希望我们重新组队 等待海岸警卫队
4. Even if I wanted to, the coastguard won't be back for another two weeks.
即使我想走 海岸警备队也得两周之后才能回来
5. coastguard regulations give me the authority to conduct an onsite inspection if I have cause to believe there is a biological threat to any nearby population centre.
海岸警备队给了我权力 成为现场检验的领导 只要我认为这里有威胁到 周边居民点的生化威胁