a. 乏味的, 走了气味的, 无生气的, 无趣味的
s. lacking significance or liveliness or spirit or zest
1. Oh, it is exhausting being that vapid.
2. The more vapid the conversation, the more I enjoy it.
谈话越无聊 我就越喜欢
3. She was saying that we're all vapid and wasting our lives.
她刚刚在说我们都很无趣 在浪费生命
4. This is a book about vapid, profligate fools.
5. Such vapid nostalgia for the gentle past.
6. I don't know that vapid movie press is really my thing.
7. Well, all I've done is play the vapid dumb blond.
8. I'm afraid I find your insipid and jejune antics excessively vapid.
恐怕我觉得你们这些 平淡无奇的滑稽动作实在太无趣了
9. And also you don't need to find validation in the opinions of the vapid and selfobsessed.
而且你不需要从那些乏味 又自恋的人身上寻找肯定
10. Well, I'll take "luxurious debauchery" and "vapid freedom" any day.
我宁愿天天"耽溺于享乐" 和"乏味的自由"