当前位置: 知识学习 > sugary怎么读,sugary是什么意思,sugary的用法和例句


  • 分类:知识学习
  • 更新时间:2025-01-01
  • 发布时间:2024-12-23 18:14:15

音标: 英 [ˈʃʊgərɪ] 美 [ˈʃʊɡərɪ]

a. 含糖的, 糖一般的, 甜的

a. containing sugar


1. I've heard things about him, not all of it sugary.

我听说了一些他的事 不全是医学上的

2. There's sugary and then there's ing diabetes.

甜蜜是一回事 你这是糖尿病了

3. Most I get from your hometown pals is a sugary passiveaggression.

一般你家乡的人都是对我表面和气 暗地里损我

4. That's that good sugary trash, like a big boy likes.

就是这种很好吃的甜玩意 大男孩都喜欢的

5. It depends on the sugary solution that exudes from hairs on the pitcher's lid.

猪笼草盖子上的茸毛 分泌出它赖以生存的糖液

6. And he used to get us these little wax bags of hot sugary nuts.

他还经常给我们 那种小包蜡纸装的热乎乎的甜坚果

7. It's a really nice thickening agent, but gives that tartness to the chutney, and it's rich, sugary, spicy.

它是很棒的增稠剂 但它除了能为酸辣酱提供酸味 它还有浓厚的质感 又甜又香

8. I combine my beetroot puree with a sweet, sugary egg mixture to complete the filling for my pie.

我用甜菜根酱 和甜美的 鸡蛋糖浆 做派的馅料

9. So, barely can get a finger in it but as we get further and further down, it's very sugary snow, it's easier to put my fingers into it.

几乎连手指都无法插入 但当我们继续深入 雪质变得松软 很容易插入手指

10. push the straw down to the root beer at the bottom, and then you suck up the ice cream and the soda simultaneously to deliver the perfect blend of sugary goodness, like so.

然后把吸管推至沙士底部 然后吮吸 同时吸入冰淇淋和苏打水 以获得完美的混合 享受甜美感觉 就像这样

