当前位置: 知识学习 > zygomatic怎么读,zygomatic是什么意思,zygomatic的用法和例句


  • 分类:知识学习
  • 更新时间:2025-01-01
  • 发布时间:2024-12-23 16:14:56

音标: 英 [ˌzaɪgə'mætɪk] 美 [ˌzaɪgə'mætɪk]

a. 颊骨的, 颧骨的
[医] 颧的, 颧骨的

a. of or relating to the cheek region of the face


1. These recent contusions are on the ribs, zygomatic, maxilla and mandible.

这些近期的擦伤位于肋骨 颧骨 上颌骨和下颌骨处

2. The issue is her projecting zygomatics and the wide interorbital space.

问题在于她突出的颧骨 还有宽大的眉间部分

3. I also found a tiny hemorrhagic stain on the zygomatic.


4. Most likely pieces of the frontal, glabella, zygomatic or nasal bones.

大多数都是额骨 眉骨 颧骨和鼻骨碎片

5. The fractures extend all the way from the coronal suture, maxillary and zygomatic process.

这些裂痕一直延伸到了冠状缝 上颌和颧突处

6. The dimensions of the orbital sockets, zygomatic process, mandible and maxilla all line up.

眼眶 颧突 下颌骨及上颌骨的 尺寸都和照片匹配上了

7. I am noticing deep incisions to the nasal bones, zygomatic arches and the maxilla.

我注意到 鼻骨 颧弓和上颌骨 有几处很深的切口

8. Her skull shows damage to the infra and supraorbital margins and zygomatic process.

头骨显示眼眶上下周 和颧突都有损伤

9. The damage to the left zygomatic appears to have radiating fracture lines, which points to a perimortem injury.

左颧骨处的创伤呈 放射状骨折 表明这是一处死前伤

10. I can feel serrations on the zygomatic bone around both eyes as well as the supraorbital ridge.

我可以感觉到 两只眼睛的眶上嵴和颧骨 都有锯齿状割痕

