[计] 联播
n. riding a bicycle
1. These are the wings for the bicycle, to make a flying bicycle.
2. Hey, bicycle man, I want to buy your bicycle.
骑自行车的老兄 我想买你的车
3. Before we had bicycle ways, lowincome people were ashamed of using bicycles.
在我们建自行车道前 低收入群体为骑车而感到害臊
4. In 10 years we have seen the bicycling doubling and we have seen that now we have 37% of everybody commuting to work arriving on his bicycle.
10年中骑车人的数量翻了一番 现在有37%的人 骑自行车上下班
5. Now a highquality protected bicycle way shows that a citizen on a $30 bicycle is equally important to one in a $30,000 dollar car.
但如今一条高规格受保护的自行车道 证明了骑30美元自行车的市民 和开3万美元汽车的人一样重要
6. He is two years into a postconcussive syndrome following a basilar skull fracture and intracerebral hematoma following a bicycle/ pickup truck accident in which he was riding the bicycle.
他目前经历了两年 由颅底骨折和脑内血肿引发的脑震荡综合征 起因是一起自行车和卡车追尾事故 当时他是骑自行车的一方
7. What do you do with bicycles? I don't know.
你对自行车了解多少 不了解
8. I'd do that on a bicycle, you pillock.
要是那样的话我会骑自行车 你个二货
9. Which is why I'm on craigslist buying a bicycle.
10. There's a flatscreen, a desktop, and a bicycle.
平面屏 台式电脑 还有自行车