n. 通风
[化] 换气; 曝气
n. the process of exposing to air (so as to purify)
n. the act of charging a liquid with a gas making it effervescent
1. It's an aerated foam served in a balloon.
2. But then the water can't get in there, that's why you've got to aerate the soil.
但是那样水就进不去了 所以必须给土壤注气
3. The whisking gives it that aerated texture to the ganache.
4. The poms are grown in soil aerated by worms.
5. And right now, we need to aerate the compost.
6. No, see, II told him to come early and aerate the soil.
不是 我让他早点来翻翻土
7. We could even have our own worms genetically engineered to aerate the soil perfectly.
我们还能培育我们自己的虫子 来完美地松土
8. That gives it aeration and really lifts the mixture up, all those lovely little holes.
使面糊和空气充分接触 膨胀 形成一个个小孔
9. When you overmix, the dough of the doughnut gets really tight, and you're not going to let it aerate.
一旦过度搅拌 面团就会变得很硬 空气就无法充入
10. You see, worms aerate soil, making it better for growing fruits and vegetables.
虫子会松土 让土地更适宜种水果和蔬菜