一般化, 普遍化
1. We assume that our universe is the only universe.
2. The universe, the universe is doing this it wants me.
是宇宙 是宇宙干的 它想要我
3. Universe after universe has fallen before my power.
4. There are multiple universes, infinitely many multiple universes, infinitely many infinite universes even.
存在着多个宇宙 而且是存在着无穷多个宇宙 无穷个无穷个多的宇宙
5. We're giants in that sense, and I feel excited to be a part of that process and it makes the universe, the interior universe, the mental universe, feel vast to me.
在这个意义下 我们就是巨人 能成为这个过程的一部分 我感到很高兴 这使我感到宇宙 这个内在的宇宙 精神的宇宙 广阔无垠
6. If you wanna understand the universe, embrace the universe.
如果你想理解宇宙 那就去拥抱宇宙
7. Some could be our observable universe, some could be other universes with potentially different properties.
有些可能成为我们的可观测宇宙 有些可能成为有着 不同性质的其他宇宙
8. And if the universe is gonna punish you, then the universe is a sexist pig.
如果上天真要惩罚你 那上天就是个有性别歧视的蠢猪
9. I think, to me, the most interesting property of the universe is the fact that intelligence exists at all, that somehow the universe has evolved a capacity to know itself, to ask questions about itself, and ultimately I think, until we answer this question, we won't really understand the universe at all.
对我来说 宇宙最引人入胜的特征 就是智力的存在 就是宇宙能进化出了解自己 能对自己提出问题的能力 我想最终只有回答了这个问题 才能够真正理解宇宙
10. We don't live in a universe of rules, we live in a universe of chances.
我们生活的宇宙并没有充满规则 我们生活的宇宙充满可能