a. 安在马上的, 裱好的
s. assembled for use; especially by being attached to a support
s. decorated with applied ornamentation; often used in combination
1. Had I been there, we would have mounted the defense that we had agreed to mount.
如果我在场 我们会严阵以待 像我们说过的那样
2. But it wasn't just the parts that were mounting up.
3. I believe that was in the sermon on the mount.
4. But as my failures mounted, so too did my cravings.
我失败的次数越多 我就越渴望成功
5. Being mounted once a year is more than enough for me.
6. Without it, you can't mount a case.
没有它 你甚至都立不了案
7. I'm mounting a heliumneon laser on it.
8. Him pissing on me as he tried to mount me.
9. We understand they're mounting a hostile takeover.
10. But, I've been through all the files, there's no mention of any mounted cops.
可是我翻遍了所有资料 根本没提到什么骑警