a. 未看见的, 不在视野中的, 被遮住视线的
a unable to see
1. The neighbours don't want an unsightly mess.
2. Saudis paid me well not to leave unsightly scars.
3. Their appearance was so unsightly that they were sneaked into the city under the cover of night.
他们的样貌很不起眼 他们可以在黑夜的掩护下潜入市里
4. And you build this new world for the sighted as well as the unsighted.
你们所建立的这个新世界 要为有视觉和盲人共同而建
5. They are, and I would be remiss if I didn't remind you of the ramifications of an unsightly bidding war.
他们关注了 而且如果我不提醒你们一场不雅的 竞标战的后果 那我就要失职了
6. Yes, four days late, and wearing unsightly boots.
是的 晚了四天 还穿着难看的靴子
7. An uncivilised, unsightly, filthy bore, with your tasteless clothes and with your hair like thistledown.
一个没文化 难看又肮脏的讨厌鬼 穿着毫无品味的衣服 留着跟蓟花冠毛一样的头发
8. 24 hours a day, the removal of trash cans without permission, and the unsightly cones that are placed in the street, to name a few.
都占了我们的街边停车位 未经允许就移动垃圾桶 还有街上摆的那些难看的锥型路标 先说这几个