n. 行李
[经] 行李
n. cases used to carry belongings when traveling
n. a worthless or immoral woman
n. the portable equipment and supplies of an army
1. He has way too much baggage, that baggage being you.
而且他有拖油瓶 那就是你
2. But I don't have that same baggage with her.
3. But you know what? It was my own baggage. It really is.
不过这是我的不好 真的
4. That's my baggage, and it has nothing to do with you, really.
这些都是我自己的烦恼 和你无关
5. That's funny, I thought we were your baggage.
打脸了吧 你之前还说我们是拖油瓶
6. I'm sorry. I brought my baggage in here.
抱歉 我刚才带了点情绪
7. I didn't realize you had so much baggage.
8. The only thing you bring that I don't is baggage.
唯一一样你有而我没有的东西 就是负担
9. You can't... bring your baggage into the room.
10. We overloaded the system with our baggage.