adv. 杂乱地, 复杂地; 难懂地
r with elaboration
1. They couldn't pull something this intricate off.
2. These always looked so intricate and complicated.
3. A knot so intricate no one could untie it.
4. It was an intricate, and a perfectly executed escape.
这是一起错综复杂 并且执行完美的越狱案
5. The most precise and intricate part of our plan.
我们计划中最精准 最复杂的一环
6. It's quite interesting, there's this intricate anatomy to them.
这还挺有趣的 这些湖泊有复杂的形态
7. I don't want to bore you with the intricate details.
其中复杂的详情就不说了 免得你们头大
8. it's the most beautiful, intricate work of art.
美妙绝伦 复杂的艺术作品
9. I mean, the calculations are impossibly intricate.
我是说, 计算是难以想象的复杂
10. You are capable of some intricate moral gymnastics.