adv. 现在, 当前, 一般, 普通
[计] 当前
r at this time or period; now
1. All current indications of his presence are that there are no current indications of his presence.
所有迹象表明 他现在不在
2. The, the currents are so strong that swimming against any sort of current here it's a losing battle.
因为水流太湍急 想在激流中 逆流而上肯定会失败
3. This caused currents to be induced in the ground, and those currents overloaded a power station.
这导致电流被引向地面 那些电流令一座发电站负荷超载
4. The dilemma you are currently in is why.
5. currently we're taxed on what we produce.
6. You have no idea what is currently happening.
7. Yes, but not in their current bodies.
是啊 但不是在他们现在的身体里
8. I'm currently waistdeep in what is not working.
9. Or unwired the mics, as they currently are.
又或者像现在这样 给它们断了线
10. but be aware, you're currently being courted.
但是请注意 最近有人在追求你