a. 变化的, 变形的, 新陈代谢的
[医] [新陈]代谢的
a. of or relating to metabolism
a. undergoing metamorphosis
1. It would be metabolically impossible to do.
2. Catastrophe is the metaboli of the universe.
3. I don't see any other reason for that than metaboli .
除了新陈代谢之外 我看不到还有其他原因
4. Her metaboli can't keep up with the fentanyl.
5. But their metaboli could have been through a hypno in a few hours.
也有可能凶手是通过 催眠来短时间内控制他们
6. And it's been calibrated to have the same metaboli as a human body.
7. The aller the mammal, the higher its metaboli .
哺乳动物体积越小 新陈代谢越快
8. Couldn't hear you over the sound of my calories not metabolizing.
9. When the virus went through their metaboli , it mutated.
当病毒通过人代谢系统后 它就变异了
10. But their hypercharged metaboli burns right through it.
然后又因为过快的新陈代谢 马上把这9卡路里消耗掉