a. 热的, 炎热的, 热心的
s. extremely hot
1. I had a all but fervent cult following.
2. I find them to be a fervent reminder to seize the day.
3. I was fervently hoping that it would, at least, be easy to operate.
我依然很热诚地希望 它至少能操作简单点
4. They believe fervently in their particular theory of the crime.
5. I've been a fervent and faithful support of gun manufacturers.
我一直是 制造商热情而忠实的支持者
6. I beg you, most fervently, to relieve my suffering and consent to be my wife.
我最为强烈地恳求你 释放我的痛苦 请同意成为我的妻子
7. Please, accept my most fervent apology for my beastly behavior.
拜托 接受我最真挚的道歉 我的行为真是太可恶了
8. This kind of accomplishment is the result of fervent dedication to the principles taught here.
这种成就 正是坚守本校原则的结果
9. fervent subversives that they are, I'm certain they and their colleagues will offer fullthroated outrage.
考虑到他们都是虔诚的颠覆分子 我确信 他们那些人一定会高声泄愤
10. A few nuts in the rain forfor dinner, made us more fervent for the cause.
在雨中靠几粒坚果当晚餐 让我们对于目标更加坚定