abbr. 海军部反应堆试验研究所(Admiralty Reactor Test Establishment);欧洲文化电视台(Association Relative à la Télévision Européenne)
1. Your art is literally about destroying my art.
2. Medicine's an art and art is ambiguous.
医学是艺术 而艺术是模糊的
3. She's the perfect example of the art that conceals art.
4. He's changing all the manatee art to womanatee art.
5. My art was documenting the inevitable demise of your art.
6. I thought I wouldn't be able to do art again, but you just do art.
我以为我没法再搞艺术了 但只要去做就行了
7. You swooped in under the cover of night and you took him while I was away at graduate school getting a graduate degree in a form of art that is actual art, unlike what you do, which is not art.
你借着夜色趁虚而入 夺走了他 趁我在研究生院 努力获得真正的艺术学位的时候 不像你的那些假艺术
8. I could show it a piece of art, and this thing, this being, could judge that art.
我可以给它展示一幅画 这个东西 这个系统可以评价那幅画
9. Thou art as wise as thou art beautiful.
10. For where thou art, there is the world itself, and where thou art not, desolation.
你在的地方 就是整个世界 你不在 就是一片荒凉