a. 非季节性的
1. Tell me it hasn't been unseasonably hot lately.
2. An unseasonably strong wind blows him to indonesia.
3. Thank you all for coming out on this unseasonably cold day.
4. Unseasonably warm, and the freshest air I've ever experienced.
四季如春 永远有着最新鲜的空气
5. But a series of unseasonally violent storms are making the search far more difficult than it should be.
但是一连串不合时宜的猛烈暴风 让搜寻变得比平时更为困难
6. Like huge bacterial count, unseasonably warm weather explains why the rats found him so digestible.
像这种有大量细菌 温度又不受季节影响的环境 都解释了为什么老鼠觉得他是美味